get the best
out of your people

we've Supported teams like

traditional HR firms just do tick-box exercises, your team deserves more than that

we help startup teams do what they love

We built Macrofin's performance framework from the ground-up to ensure their team had the structure in place to be able to learn, develop and grow as they progress.

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Appraisal process creation and implementation
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Bonus structure design and execution
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Business-wide KPI overhaul

Jangala does amazing things for people, so we helped them create an amazing People experience by leveraging best-in-class platforms and designing bespoke policies just for them.

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Onboarding operationalisation
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Line Managers' Handbook
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Manager support
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Bespoke, curated people policies

we are...


With you every week. In your team, on your systems and in your slack.


No long contracts. Scale the team up and down based on what you need.


Supported by our wider team, their experience and best practice.

ready to go

this is us