the peopleops team

the very best people

PeopleOps Associate

Remote | £250 /day

Role: Our PeopleOps Associates are integral, ensuring everything on an admin level is done efficiently and with precision. Working remotely worldwide, giving you access to amazing talent at incredible rates.

Background: Typically have 1-2 years experience within the HR space, with a background working with SME’s in the UK.

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HR and payroll data
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HRIS management
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ATS management
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HR query processing
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PeopleOps Manager

UK | £500 /day

Role:  The builder of processes and implementor of platforms. Our PeopleOps Managers are the perfect blend of HR/People mastery and operationally focussed. They work to take complex problems and create simple, human-focussed solutions. UK-based and embedded, these are our most sought after team members.

Background: Typically CIPD qualified with 4+ years experience in high-growth startups or SME’s. Our Managers always have specialist experience that they bring to the table.

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Process design & implementation
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ER management
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People problem solving
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Sytem optimisation
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PeopleOps Lead

UK | £650 /day

Role: The most experienced of our team. They are here to solve the thorniest of HR/People problems. They are experts in People strategy, as well as creating a best-in-class People function from ground-up. UK-based, their rates are based on their individual experience.

Background: Typically someone with substantial experience in building and running People functions, in high-growth environments.

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People function owner
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Strategy creation
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Executive advisor
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Culture co-ordinator
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we're part of some incredible teams

"RORA was recommended as the perfect flexible support solution. After a year, with FinOps, and now PeopleOps too, we could not be happier."


"I'm sitting here feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders! And we're only just getting started..."


"My advice for anyone considering RORA is to go for it. I don't know how we ever survived without them."


"I would definitely recommend RORA to any scaling business, you get expert knowledge at the cadence that suits, so you get the balance of resources needed to continue to grow."

Head of Finance

we are...


With you every week. In your team, on your systems and in your slack.


No long contracts. Scale the team up and down based on what you need.


Supported by our wider team, their experience and best practice.

ready to go

this is us